This is one of those challenges green companies (any company, actually) can face when trying to make progress as a business. Miracle-Gro is claiming that TerraCycle’s packaging is confusingly similar to their own, as they both use green and yellow. Funny thing, I thought those were very common packaging colors for gardening products.
TerraCycle is sharing their story at a site they’ve created for the purpose. They include their perspective as well as newspaper clippings.
Miracle-Gro is asking to see the study they did at Rutgers that shows that TerraCycle outperforms other products. No surprise that TerraCycle is not much interested in that idea, especially as Miracle-Gro won’t reciprocate. Then again, they aren’t the ones being sued.
Just look at the site, though. The packages shown are nothing alike. There is nothing confusing about them. The use of the two colors is not remotely similar, and having a circle and flowers on both packages doesn’t do anything to make them look alike, as once again the use is not at all similar. Even the shape of the packaging for each is different. Continue reading →