Category Archives: Environmental News

What’s the Fuss Over Zhu Zhu Pets and Antimony?

There’s been quite the fuss online about Zhu Zhu Pets and the results the Good Guide published with regards to the amount of antimony in them. They claimed the results were higher than allowed.

Turns out, however, that the Good Guide used an invalid testing method. The Smart Mama does a great job of explaining that what they found was total antimony, when soluble is what matters for safety. The Good Guide has since admitted they used the wrong form of testing.

Dealing with total versus soluble quantities can be a difficult thing to understand. There’s that urge to say “if it’s there, it’s a problem” that I’m seeing quite a bit of.

There’s a comment on the Good Guide’s blog that explains why they look at “soluble.” By looking at soluble, they’re looking at what would come out in the process of being digested by a human. That’s an important number to be concerned with.

All that said, I have other reasons to be disinterested in buying a Zhu Zhu Pet for my kids. Not the least of it is my refusal to buy into the latest consumer frenzy. It’s a cute toy and all, but I won’t bet on how long it will really be interesting to kids. Then there’s all the plastic in the accessories.

I much prefer toys that encourage creativity and activity. They tend to hold my children’s interest much longer. There are so many great toys you can buy, and you won’t have to stand in long lines or pay higher than retail just because the demand is insane. Try shopping at Magic Cabin or for more interesting toys.

October 24, 2009 – Can You Join the International Day of Climate Action?

On Saturday, October 24, 2009 there will be events around the world aimed at building awareness of the need for an international climate treaty to try to bring CO2 levels in our atmosphere down to 350, which is believed to be the highest safe level. Yes, we’re beyond it now.

You can find events in your area with this map. It’s just one more way for you to learn what you can do and show politicians that there is support for fighting climate change.

CO2 is What???

Just came across this ad and had to share it:

Wow. Just wow. Industry really will say anything to avoid regulation. Even flat out lie.

But we knew that one already.

They want you to believe that their new organization knows more about what excess CO2 will do to the planet than all the scientists who point out the dangers. It’s time to focus on more green technologies to reduce our dependence on products that produce so much CO2.

via Care2 and Green Living Ideas.

What’s Happening to the Fish?

I’ve been coming across a lot of articles lately on how overfishing is running rampant. From the bluefin tuna being in danger of extinction to California closing the 2009 salmon season. And the situation is a lot worse than than.

Just read this article by Johann Hari on whether we could be the generation that runs out of fish. Ouch.

Then try Tree Hugger’s article on 10 fish you shouldn’t be eating.

The problem is quite simply overfishing. Too bad the solution isn’t so simple, as there’s too many big businesses relying on heavy fishing to survive, and they keep managing to keep the quotas too high for the stability of the population, and will no doubt fight the closures that need to happen.

Even though such moves would keep their businesses running for a longer time.

It’s one of the biggest problems we have, that so many people don’t want to take the steps necessary to preserve, well, anything, until it’s just about too late. We see this time and again. Pesticides and fertilizers and dead zones in the ocean and pollution and plastics, and, and, and….

It doesn’t stop.

These are the things that go beyond saying “well, I just won’t buy any.” That’s not good enough. Someone else will buy it. It’s not even enough for one government to say “stop.” That helps one area, one country, but more needs to be done.

As Johann Hari says in his article, at least 30% of the ocean needs to be closed to fishing, with strict quotas in the remaining 70%. That would take some incredible policing, but it’s what needs doing if we want fish in the ocean.

Are Plastic Water Bottles Safe?

There’s been a lot of controversy in recent times about the presence of  Bisphenol-A (BPA) in certain kinds of plastic. According to a new study from scientists in Germany, kinds of plastic that were previously thought safe may also contain substances that interfere with reproductive hormones. The results aren’t definite yet, but it’s something to keep an eye on.

Glass and stainless steel look better every day.

All in all I’m glad I don’t use plastic water bottles, especially the disposable ones. The waste and the question of what’s leeching into the water isn’t something I want to spend a lot of time thinking about.

It was also quite interesting to note that they tested two cardboard boxes similar to juice boxes. Those also apparently showed signs of the compound. However, they also showed in some of the glass bottle water samples taken, so it’s possible that some of the problem related more to the water itself.

Call it another argument in favor of tap water.