Weatherproofing 101: Windows – This is something I need to look at, particularly for my son’s window. Always the coldest room in the house during the winter, and it’s an old casement window.
5 Simple Holiday Crafts to Decorate and Celebrate – Kids always love doing crafts. You may have done some of these during your own childhood.
Environmental Defense Fund: Oceans of Jellyfish? Or Oceans of Abundance? The Choice is Ours – Something to think about, especially if you love seafood.
Compost vs Landfill: Does it Really Make a Difference? – Why should you compost, you ask? Well, if you’re here you may not be asking that, but it’s good to have an answer for those who do question it.
Crafting pizza, mail, and sachets out of felt! – This got me to thinking that I could have my daughter make her presents for her cousins this year. She was asking just a couple weeks ago about learning to sew.
Easy Green – Simple And Inexpensive Ways To Make An Eco-Difference. – Going green isn’t always tough or more expensive. This always bears repeating.
DIY Play Kitchen Links – Young children love using play kitchens, but buying them is so expensive. These are some good ideas, or you can do as my sister did, buy a short, old dresser and paint a stove pattern on the top. Her kids love it.
Thinking About Sugar and Kids – I know I see a difference in behavior when I let my kids have too much sugar. But with a healthy start they won’t complain much about it being limited.
The Five Reasons Why I Recycle – Very simple and good reasons to recycle. Really, does anyone need more reason than this? Apparently some do.
Say Aloe to your Health – Aloe Vera is easy to grow, too. One of my favorite sunburn treatments.
Too many cloth shopping bags? – Such a nice, simple way to handle your cloth bags as you shop. You may even have a carabiner
at home already.
Redefining and greening holiday traditions – Holiday traditions can break away from the commercialism that is so popular right now. Simplifying your celebrations makes them so much more meaningful.
You Can Can: Four Tips for Virgin Jam Makers – Very encouraging for those who are thinking about getting into canning. I’ve warned my husband that if the garden does well next year, I will want to try it myself.
The 6 Sins Of Greenwashing – Yes, they lie. We all know they lie. How do you spot the lies? It helps to know the common ones.
Wal-Mart “100% Committed” to Renewable Goal. If it’s Cheaper. – Well, it’s better than what most companies are doing when it comes to renewable energy. And there’s still many, many other areas in which they need to improve. But it’s nice to see a chance that they’ll do it. We need more big companies looking into renewable energy.
What You Can Do to Get Rid of Hormone Disrupting Phthalates in Your Household – Why mess around with phthalates now that we know they’re problematic?
GM VP Bob Lutz’s green pose is (what’s the phrase?) a “total crock of sh#t” – The bailout of the Big 3 auto makers is problematic at best, but can we trust any of them to do the right thing in developing more efficient and alternative energy vehicles?
Better Toys Make Better Gifts: Holiday Shopping Naturally – I posted the other day about places to buy green toys; here are more.
Simple Green Simply Greenwashing Consumers for Decades – Rats! And here I liked Simple Green!
Weekend Project: Donate Unused Toys Before Christmas – We’ve been working on clearing out the toys our kids don’t use any more for donation to thrift shops. It’s a great project.