Walk to School Day (October 3) is an easy one for me to participate in – we do it daily anyhow, rain or shine. It’s a part of International Walk To School Month, and I hope your local schools are participating.
Walking to school used to be pretty much the norm. If the distance was at all reasonable, you walked there. If it was a bit far, you might have biked there. I know I did that until I went to a school across town and had to take the school bus.
But just look at the front of most schools now when school is about to start and when it gets out. It’s often packed with the cars of parents picking up or dropping off their kids. In 2001, only 16% of kids walked to school. That number just amazes and saddens me.
Of course, what’s worse is how short a distance some parents feel makes it necessary to drive to school. I’m talking a matter of blocks. Yet walking is a great exercise for you and your kids, and the time it takes is wonderful for just chatting.
I’d love to hear from other parents who are able to walk their kids to school, either regularly, or just tomorrow. Does your school do anything special for it?
Technorati Tags: walk to school day, walk to school month, kids, children, walk, walking, school