Here we are in the second month of the One Small Change challenge. Month one went all right for me. I didn’t get to go to the co-op as often as I would have liked. First week was easy, but the second and third weeks weren’t possible.
The last weekend of the month we were out of town. My grandfather’s 90th birthday and my daughter’s first birthday were the same day, so we had to have them together. The family had a big party for grandpa, mostly. But having them together like that was pretty special to me.
We’re still planning on continuing with the co-op as time allows. The produce was good.
So What About This Month?
This month I’m going to focus on what I use for hair care. I’ve kept it simple for a really long time – almost never use hair spray or other styling products, and I’ve found it rather thrives on being washed just over once a week. Unlike the rest of me.
No, I haven’t really tried delaying washing the rest of me for a week. I’m joking!
My hair is very long. I can almost sit on it. I’ve been meaning to switch from traditional shampoo and conditioner for a long time, but haven’t gotten around to doing the research to figure out quite what I want to do. I’m so far not up to the “no shampoo” level I’ve heard about. I’m considering the baking soda and vinegar route for starters.
I already use coconut oil sometimes in my hair. Makes it amazingly soft and is supposed to penetrate the hair. It’s also a good reminder to myself that natural products can work really well. I’ve tried jojoba oil
too, which is lighter and also does a good job. Either only needs to be applied to the length and ends of the hair, not the scalp.